
Hey there! I’m Katlyn, a Creative Manager for Bank Iowa. I pride myself on being flexible in my role - whether it’s manning the camera during a video shoot, designing the annual report or recording voiceover for our latest radio spot, I love the wide variety of roles I get to play from day to day. Branding is a favorite of mine, although layout design is a close second.

I have worked in an array of environments such as Hy-Vee, Grey Dog Media, the Iowa DOT and now Bank Iowa. More than just making things look pretty (although I’ve got that down pat), I aspire to create designs with purpose while cultivating interest. I strive to design to bring people together to better understand and resolve problems.

In my free time, I enjoy impromptu photo shoots with friends, zumba, sushi, knitting and online yarn shopping – I may or may not have a yarn buying problem. I am always up for grabbing a cup of coffee (all the creamer please!) to hear more about your story.

If you want to learn more about me, shoot me an email at katlyn.prochaska@gmail.com.

Thanks for stopping by!